- Where: Icelandair Hótel Reykjavík Natura - Nautholsvegur 52, Reykjavik 101
- When: 23rd May 2022
- Language: English


Rothoschool is going on tour for a series of three consecutive seminars in Iceland, UK and Ireland. The events are focused on the hottest topics of the mass timber constructions, exploring local solutions and know-how. As the Mass Timber industry is fast developing worldwide, professionals need to come together and get informed, creating valuable network and enriching their knowledge.

The one-day seminar in each city has a rich program of themes with different well-known speakers, with a lot of experience in timber constructions, local and international know-how. It aims to present the completeness of the latest trends for timber buildings. Eminent speakers of the industry, researchers, professors and designers will cover the most fundamental aspects of the timber constructions.

Innovative connectors and solutions for wooden buildings, not only guarantee structural resistance, speed of construction, but they are also studied for the acoustics, fire resistance and durability. Through acute theory and clever case studies, attendees to the seminar will get an exhaustive insight that can be further deepened during the round table and networking times.


Due to the COVID19 situation, we will promptly inform the participants in case of cancellation of the course due to causes which do not depend on us. Rothoblaas is not taking responsibility for the consequences of the cancellation. We advise to book travel tickets with an insurance for the COVID19 correlated travel issues.

Icelandair Hotel Reykjavik Natura
08:00 08:30

Registration and Refreshment - Networking 

08:30 08:45

Course Presentation 

Stefano Muscoloni - Rothoblaas
08:45 10:00

CLT Research and Design examples  

Ermanno Acler - HOLZPAK 
10:00 10:45

Structural design of CLT and Timber Frame structures

Mihai Motoc - Verkfræðistofa Reykjavíkur
10:45 11:00

Coffee Break - Networking 

11:00 12:10

Connection technologies-new opportunities for timber structures

Roland Maderebner
12:10 13:00

Sound insulation principles in timber buildings

Filippo Riviera - Rothoblaas
13:00 14:00

Lunch Break - Networking 

14:00 14:45

Building physics and moisture challenges in timber buildings

Dr. Yutaka Goto - Chalmers University
14:45 15:45

R&D of new connectors for Mass Timber Structures

Filippo Riviera - RothoBlaas
15:45 16:00

Coffee Break - Networking

16:00 16:35

Mass Timber case studies in Iceland

Ingólfur Á. Sigþórsson - STRUKTUR EHF
16:35 17:10

Mass Timber case studies in Iceland

Ragnar Jóhannsson - IDEX EHF
17:10 17:45

Mass Timber case studies in Iceland

Sigurdur Gudjonsson - LIMTRE VIRNET 
17:45 18:05

Case study CLT Iceland

Benedikt Ingi Tómasson - Element
18:05 18:20

Round Table discussion 


END - Networking